The library is now open

As the syllabus expands, we’ve added two new sections. The first is a “Further Reading” page that archives older news coverage about Cop City. The second is a “Library” page where we are adding zines, posters, and other print materials.

Recent additions to the syllabus include:

“Private Equity [PE] Profits from Destroying the Atlanta Forest” by K Agbebiyi, Azani Creeks, Amanda Mendoza. Private Equity Stakeholder Project, March 22, 2023.

“The Health Risks Behind ‘Cop City’” by Akilah Wise, PhD. Capital B Atlanta, March 23, 2023.

Public health experts who spoke with Capital B Atlanta said the evidence does not support the idea that training facilities alleviate police violence and trauma. With the preponderance of reports and footage of police violence against Black citizens, the facility and increased police presence in the community may be “repeating sources of trauma,” according to Keon Gilbert, a public health professor at Saint Louis University and co-director of the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity. 

“Officers in ‘Cop City’ raid shot pepperball gun into activist’s tent first” by Hilary Beaumont. Guardian, March 25, 2023.

Week of Writing: #StopCopCity. Scalawag, May 1–6, 2023.

A Black Abolitionist View on Cop City with Dr. Angela Davis. Black Power Media, May 8, 2023.


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